Variation on a theme by Coleridge

On Market Street did Benioff
A forceful platform cloud decree:
Where millions of transactions ran
Through systems intricate to man
  To set your business free.
So twice five data centers powered
With servers running through the hours;

And there were offices full of snacks,
Where blossomed many engineers;
And management, they had your back,
While you wrote code and drank some beers.

But oh! an engineer sat tiredly,
From doing everything he could.
His solutions built elegantly,
The code running automatically,
He wanted something new and good.

It was evidence of something special
That he stayed nine full years in there.
Despite that times were often stressful,
The customers were wildly successful,
And there was even more potential!
Yet he needed to breathe different air.

And he will miss the time well spent,
The work but most of all the colleagues,
Who made it worthwhile and different,
As he embarks on his new folly.

Departure Limerick

There was a young man from VA
Who built infrastructure, hooray!
For nine and a half years
He worked and drank beers
But now he must go on his way.

Jon Nathan 05/15