D3 Paragon Calculator

When a Diablo 3 Season ends, your Paragon is rolled over to your Non Seasonal profile.

To calculate your Non Seasonal Paragon when the current Season ends, enter your Non Seasonal and Seasonal paragon and press Submit.

To calculate the Paragon you need this Season to reach your Goal Non Seasonal Paragon, enter your Non Seasonal and Goal paragon and press Submit.

To calculate the Halfway point to an arbitrary Paragon, enter that paragon and press Submit. (Enter "1" to see a list of round-number milestones)

The calculator's cap is 20,000 and is based on Maxroll's' chart.

Non-Seasonal Paragon
Seasonal Paragon
- OR -
Goal Paragon
- OR -
Halfway Paragon

D3BG inspired this project.

Source code available.